Can dancing dogs save the planet?

If Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough haven’t managed to persuade you to take action to tackle the climate crisis perhaps it’s time to bring in the dogs!
In this funny video with a serious message the dogs explain to us that we have to all play our part in solving the climate emergency.
Swindon Dog Dancing School is a dog club that specialises in teaching heel work to music. Some of the dogs are just starting on their heel work to music journey. Others compete at high levels including the Crufts Show.
Ros Oswald, Carbon Neutral Aldbourne member and proud owner of Molly the Labrador (one of the stars of the video) says “We wanted to play our part in making a difference to our planet and our dogs came up with great ideas. We put it all together into a video with music by Kath Bee who is a musician living in New Zealand. She loves the video and hopes you will all follow our dogs advice and have fun along the way.”